- ROCKET completes its first teacher training!The pilot for ROCKET’s Critical Virtual Exchange for teachers has successfully taken place. The ROCKET team is pleased to announce that the pilot of the project’s Critical Virtual Exchange for teachers has successfully taken place. The project team was initially joined by eighteen participants who together explored the topics of critical virtual exchange (CVE), diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), conflict transformation (CT), and role-playing games (RPGs).… Read More »ROCKET completes its first teacher training!
- ROCKET organized its first Outreach Conference!The ROCKET project team is proud to announce that their first Outreach Conference took place in Groningen, Netherlands, from 28 – 30 October 2024. The three-day event provided ample opportunities for co-creation, collaboration, and learning. While the first day was reserved for the consortium, the second and third day invited all target groups (students, lecturers, administrative staff and local stakeholders) to participate in the conference on-site… Read More »ROCKET organized its first Outreach Conference!
- First institutional integration at the University of GoettingenThe ROCKET consortium is excited to share that the ROCKET Virtual Exchange course for students takes its first step toward institutional integration at the University of Goettingen! By connecting with the Erasmus Mundus joint degree study programme “Euroculture – Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context”, our intercultural Virtual Exchange will benefit from new students who will add yet another enriching perspective. Thanks to all involved for engaging in issues of Diversity, Equity,… Read More »First institutional integration at the University of Goettingen
- ROCKET Erasmus+ went live at PlayForward Festival in Goettingen!We are enthusiastic about the first dissemination event for the Erasmus+ project ROCKET during PlayForward Festival 2024 in Goettingen, Germany. During this event, members of the ROCKET consortium joined to introduce the project to a wider audience and facilitate educational role-playing scenarios on conflict transformation and diversity, equity and inclusion. In an interactive workshop, participants examined a range of styles for engaging with conflict, including their own, in relevant work and educational contexts. Through… Read More »ROCKET Erasmus+ went live at PlayForward Festival in Goettingen!
- Successful first pilot!ROCKET is delighted to announce the successful completion of the first pilot of our conflict transformation through role-playing Virtual Exchange (VE)! In this VE, students from the Universities of Göttingen, Uppsala, and Groningen came together for asynchronous and synchronous activities. We combined students from courses in Academic Writing, Intercultural Competencies, and Cultivating Transformational Communities, who together explored valuable theories and skills related to meaningfully addressing conflicts. Topics explored in the… Read More »Successful first pilot!