ROCKET combines courses from distinct interdisciplinary domains in three different ENLIGHT universities, connecting in a vibrant Virtual Exchange. Students will learn theories and practice skills in conflict transformation and nonviolent communication through engaging activities such as Role-playing Games. These skills will infuse student lives within and outside of the classroom, affecting their daily interactions, deepening their understanding of the struggles of others, and increasing their sense of responsibility as global citizens.
I think the role-playing sessions were very helpful to structurally analyze conflicts. Both role-playing myself and watching other people role-play helped me try out all the methods we learned in this course. With the role-playing I had a little bit of an emotional distance to the conflict and was therefore able to actually think about the methods we learned. I want to implement this in my real life as well. In the role-playing we had different characters with very different perspectives and conflict styles, which is more likely to happen in an heterogeneous team.
– Nele, Göttingen student